Ubuntu Allow Port Through Firewall – Linux Hint

Port Numbers Used for TCP/IP Computer Networks Nov 05, 2019 Allow access to Calibre Content Server on port 8080 from Dec 03, 2018 Accessing Jboss port 8080 remotely - LinuxQuestions.org Jan 21, 2009

Port 80 is the port number assigned to commonly used internet communication protocol, Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). It is the port from which a computer sends and receives Web client-based communication and messages from a Web server and is used to send and receive HTML pages or data.

248 rows Port 8080 (tcp/udp) :: SpeedGuide 39 rows

virtualhost - Changing port 80 to 8080 in Apache - Server

In this case, you will be running a HTTP server on some port (let’s say TCP port 80 or 8080), a FTP server which runs on TCP port 21, a SQL database server (let’s say MySQL) which runs on TCP port 3306, or NoSQL database server (let’s say MongoDB) which runs on TCP port 27017 or 27018, a SSH server which runs on TCP port 22. Docker container running apache always exposing port 80 12 minutes ago Up 12 minutes 80/tcp,>8080/tcp MyWebsite When I shell on to the running container and search for instances of "Listen 80", nothing shows up other than the instance of "Listen 8080" that I added to httpd.conf. docker exec -it 23c4e1f0ea66 /bin/bash grep -ri "Listen 80" tomcat - Routing TCP traffic to port 8080 on Azure VM No firewall on host. wget localhost:8080 returns a page as does the same request on private IP address. I can SSH into the server using the public IP address, but wget public_IP_address:8080 does not route to the host. I have enabled inbound security rule for port 8080, which looks to be identical to the one that allows SSH over port 22. Ubuntu Firewall Open Ports - How to Open a Port in Ubuntu This firewall rule will open TCP port 8080 to 8090 from the Ubuntu Firewall. More Firewall rules Example. ufw allow 80/tcp. Open http port 80 to anyone from the Ubuntu Firewall. ufw allow 21/tcp. Open FTP port 21 from the firewall. ufw allow from to any port 21 proto tcp.