Where is my IP location? (Geolocation)

How to Find Real IP (Origin) address of Website? - Geekflare Mar 22, 2019 [resolved ] How do I find my real IP Address in PHP How do I find my real IP Address? If I do:-$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] It gives me Server's IP Address (, and it gives me same values even when my site is … How You Can Find the IP Address of Any Website in Just a May 09, 2020

IP Address stands for Internet Protocol Address and all devices on the network have an IP Address assigned to it. So, what is my ip address? An IP address is made up of 4 numbers in the following format: aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd. Each number can be in the range of 0-255. An IP address is defined as "a numerical label assigned to each devices (e.g

How can a website find my real IP address while I'm behind Hence, by analyzing this field, a website can figure out the real IP address. However, the proxy servers provide different levels of anonymity. If a highly anonymous proxy is used (also known as elite proxy), then it might not be possible for the website to find the real IP address, as these elite proxies don't usually include such headers.

[resolved ] How do I find my real IP Address in PHP

About IP addresses - Google Search Help