$ apt-file update $ apt-file list foo. To get the contents of the file "abc.deb", you have to enter $ dpkg-deb -c abc.deb. Reconfiguring of debconf. To reconfigure debconf so that it informs you of most changes of the new packages: # dpkg-reconfigure debconf. Chose "medium" here . Package Management with apt-get and dpkg. Package resource list

Nov 02, 2019 · I have a couple of Debian and Ubuntu Linux systems that use the APT package management system, including test servers, production servers, and even Raspberry Pi systems. It seems like every time I have to use an apt-get or other apt command, I always have to search for the command I need. Feb 13, 2019 · Apt is a command-line interface for the package management system and combines the most commonly used functionalities from apt-get and apt-cache including an option to list installed packages. To lists all packages installed on your system run the following command: Full list of package management tools. apt. The apt package provides commandline tools for searching, managing, and querying information about packages, and access all features of the libapt-pkg library: apt - high-level commandline interface for the package management system. apt-cache - performs a variety of operations on APT's package cache. The apt is a package manager in Linux Mint System. To list installed packages on Linux Mint, run following command in the terminal: sudo apt list --installed. The output should be: how to list installed packages – apt command. To check a specific package installed or not on the system you can use apt command combined with grep command. To

If your package can't be found in apt list --installed, then try snap list: $ snap list Name Version Rev Tracking Publisher Notes gimp 2.10.10 165 stable snapcrafters - gnome-calculator 3.32.1 406 stable/…

List of files installed from apt package. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 6 months ago. Active 9 years, 4 months ago. Viewed 58k times 45. 15. How do I get a list of Add ports.ubuntu.com to package list and show those architectures, too. 2015-10-27 Reflect wily release, add xenial, remove utopic. 2015-06-02 Reflect vivid release, add wily, remove lucid. 2014-11-12 Reflect utopic release, add vivid. 2014-08-29 Properly fix changelog link. Update footer to add 'report a bug' link. 2014-08-13

May 04, 2019 · Show every file that has "gimp" in its name, in every available APT package. apt-file --package-only search gimp. Perform the same search as above, but list only the names of matching packages. apt-file list gimp. List every file contained in every package that has "gimp" in its name. apt-file --package-only list gimp. Perform the same search

apt and apt-get provides online package update for the deb based distributions. We can list currently available updates of the current system with these apt and apt-get commands in different ways. We can list updateable or upgradeable packages for Linux distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Kali etc. Update Repository/Packages Information