is not in the sudoers file 解决(转)_boqing的专栏 …

Linux sudo命令用法详解:系统权限管理 2020-7-23 · pro2 is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. #此错误信息表示 pro2 不在 /etc/sudoers 的配置中。 可以看到,由于 pro1 加入到了 group 群组,因此 pro1 就可以使用 sudo 命 … Linux下is not in the sudoers file(转)-云栖社区- … 2015-12-26 · xxx is not in the sudoers file.This incident will be reported.的解决方法 数据小白张小东 2015-11-03 20:18:00 浏览817 linux日志审计项目案例实战(生产环境日志审计项目解决方案) sudo与visudo的超细用法说明-sandshell-51CTO博客 2018-5-3 · visudo :通过 visudo 编辑 /etc/sudoers,可以检查语法。1.1.2 参数说明 sudo-l:查看授权情况,列出用户在主机上可用的和被禁止的命令 ※-k:删除时间戳,时间戳默认5分钟 也会失效-u:指定某个用户身份去执行特定的命令操作 visudo:edit the sudoers file ※


2017-6-12 · chmod: changing permissions of `/ect/sudoers': Read-only file system 你在逗我? 接下来解决root shell里不准改权限的问题,再google发现是进去的时候默认mout到read-only的FS,需要重新mount到read-write的FS才能改权限。 linux - 如何修改sudoers? - SegmentFault 思否 2017-4-10 · 这是我的sudoers [root@localhost ~]# vi /etc/sudoers ## Sudoers allows particular users to run various commands as ## the root user, without needing the root password. ## ## Examples are provided at the bottom of the file for collections ## of related commands

linux - 如何修改sudoers? - SegmentFault 思否

Take Control of your Linux | sudoers file: How to with 2020-7-4 · The sudoers file located at: /etc/sudoers, contains the rules that users must follow when using the sudo command. If you have ever used used Ubuntu, you know that the root account is disabled. This is because the root password is not set in Ubuntu, you can assign one and use it as with every other Linux distribution. That anyway is another story. How To Edit the Sudoers File | DigitalOcean