Standard menu item. Standard menu items are relatively straight forward. You build up an array with the title of the link, path and the menu you want to save the item under (main-menu in this case). If the menu item doesn't have a parent, the plid (parent link ID) is 0. You then save the menu item using menu_link_save();

Mar 11, 2013 · The Drupal 7 Menu Admin Per Menu module is a simple module that allows you to grant permissions for users to administer specific Drupal menus based on their role. This module for instance would The thing is Menu item visibility stores it 's data in database and does a query per every menu item on the page. In my case it produced around 30 queries per page and 600 queries on menu/cache rebuild (which normally equals to the number of menu items you have in your system). Menus do a pretty good job on there own for determining access per menu item. The security should go onto the content or the view, rather than the menu itself. For instance, if you have a view that you've set the access to a role of "Content Editor" and "Admin" then only those rolls will even see the link within the menu for that view, and Mar 02, 2013 · The Drupal 7 Special Menu Items module allows the adding of placeholder and separator menu items. In this episode you will learn: - How to use the Special Menu Items module to create a placeholder I'm working on an ASP.Net MVC 3 site. The _Layout master view contains a menu and I want to hide some of the items in the menu based on if you are logged in and what roles you are in. This currently works using code like this

Feb 25, 2006 · Having to use a block just to control a menu item gets tiring, especially when otherwise there would be no block. I thought menu-per-role would be my godsend for this issue, but alas, it does not work, even with the patch to to hook into it. At least not on the PRIMARY menu, where I want to use it. The basic module works ok with the db.

Jan 06, 2007 · Menu Admin per Menu: By default, Drupal allows only users with "administrer menu permission" to add, modify or delete menu items. In case you want for instance to let certain users manage primary links or secondary links but not navigation menu, this module provides this functionality. Menu item visibility: Does the same thing as Menu Per Role. Feb 25, 2006 · Having to use a block just to control a menu item gets tiring, especially when otherwise there would be no block. I thought menu-per-role would be my godsend for this issue, but alas, it does not work, even with the patch to to hook into it. At least not on the PRIMARY menu, where I want to use it. The basic module works ok with the db.

(Later, I realize that the Menu per Role module wasn't necessary to hide the navigation menu block, so the module isn't actually used on the site.) Configuring access To make sure that only editorial staff access content I made some changes in the access control - particularly de-selecting "access content" for anonymous users.

Subsequent calls to render() or drupal_render() will not traverse the child tree of this element again: they will just use the cached children. So if you want to hide an element, be sure to call hide () on the element before its parent tree is rendered for the first time, as it will have no effect on subsequent renderings of the parent tree. How to hide the menu items for anonymous users in drupal 8? You can use menu per role module to set the role Show/hide navigation item depending on role of All source code and documentation on this site is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 and later. Drupal is a registered trademark of Deletes all links for a menu. menu_link_delete in includes/ Delete one or several menu links. _menu_navigation_links_rebuild in includes/ Builds menu links for the items in the menu router. As per >>'Module's developer manual' I'd implemente the _menu hook. But, this >>way, an item is added to the navigation menu. How can I get rid of it ? > > MENU_CALLBACK: Callbacks simply register a path so that the correct function > is fired when the URL is accessed. I have two instances of main_menu on a page. One is in the header, using superfish. The other is in the sidebar, using menu_block. I want to hide a menu item in the sidebar and show it in the head May 18, 2016 · Added bonus—you no longer need to retrieve a role ID using user_role_load_by_name(), because in Drupal 8 role IDs are now machine readable strings!. I often need to add a drush command that can be run in non-production environments that will make certain users administrators (e.g. developers who need full access in non-prod, but shouldn't have full access on production), and using this new