APT-GET UPDATE not working in kali linux 32-bit

sudo apt-get --download-only --reinstall install resolvconf sudo dpkg --purge --force-depends resolvconf sudo apt-get install resolvconf Good luck! it worked for me. P.S. Dont do while logged as root What does sudo apt-get update command do on Ubuntu/Debian Oct 24, 2018 ubuntu - apt-get update or apt-get install not working it seemed to be working fine before but i dont know what got installed that it started showing so many errors. The other solutions already provided for this issue dont work for me as I am behind an authenticated proxy server. my ip is, my dns servers are and and my proxy server is

Sep 19, 2011 · sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf. The first command will remove the damaged list and when you run the second command it will replace it with a new list. Code: sudo apt-get update. Thank you. I have removing files from /var/lib/apt/lists, but I am still not able to update. I have also unchecked all my ppa's.

Not sure this is the right place for this problem but it's where I thought was best. I'm relatively new to Python but did some programming in C+ many years ago. Running Python 3.6.2 on Windows 10. When I run 'sudo apt-get upate' I get a syntax err Nov 12, 2016 · sudo apt get update E: Some index files failed to download They have been ignored, or old ones used - Duration: 9:20. ATOM 68,215 views Jun 06, 2019 · So, install that package instead using the apt-get command. $ sudo apt-get install -y python-software-properties. Once you have installed software-properties-common, or python-software-properties depending on your system, you can now comfortably use add-apt-repository or apt-add-repository commands to add PPA.

APT-GET UPDATE not working in kali linux 32-bit

Jul 29, 2019 · When you do an apt-get upgrade after apt-get update, it upgrades the installed packages to the newer version. This is the reason why the fastest and the most convenient way to update Ubuntu is to use this command: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y Using apt-cache commands to search for packages sudo apt-get update not working cosmic release 18.10 . Marisa 4 months ago . The problem is that these two buttons are not working in Ubuntu 16.04 but working sudo apt-get update. Type your password when required; this will remain entirely invisible, not even dots will show, that's normal. sudo apt-get not working. Post You can remove these in order to free up space with sudo apt clean (sudo apt-get clean in older releases of apt). Upgrading from Jessie to Stretch. Upgrading an existing Jessie image is possible, but is not guaranteed to work in every circumstance. The first command, sudo apt-get update, will update all the package indexes. This command doesn't actually update any software on your Pi, but updates what the latest software is and where to download it from. "update" usually takes a minute or two while it downloads the latest package lists.